Free-Breathing Pediatric Chest MRI Performance of Self-Navigated Golden- Angle Ordered Conical Ultrashort Echo Time Acquisition
- 为什么conical UTE 能diffuse motion & aliasing artifacts?
- 4D flow chest MRI
- self-navigation: the first few samples of each cone interleaf were processed to compute motion waveforms
- UTE imaging: can image tissue with very short $T_2$
UTE + 3D conical golden ratio trajectory
An optimal radial profile order based on the golden ratio for time-resolved MRI
3D radial 的缺点:填满 k-space 比较低效,导致在scan time和undersampling之间取舍
RF-spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) sequence + 3D conical k-space sampling trajectory + golden ratio permutation + self-navigation
Self- gated cardiac cine MRI.
3 different reconstruction results:
- with all data
- with 50% data
with soft-gating motion correction. coil-clustering, select highly correlated coils whose navigators most closely matched a dominant respiratory waveform
***Robust self-navigated body MRI using dense coil arrays.***
parallel imaging + compressed sensing reconstruction using BART
4D flow acquisition
Comprehensive motion- compensated highly accelerated 4D flow MRI with ferumoxytol enhancement for pediatric congenital heart disease