1. 如何在idea中设置channel
  2. 什么是user interface?为什么要用ParameterMap?

Video tutorial

1. IDEA, CVS, makefiles, grep, cygwin, IDEA directory structure, sde commands, compiling, POET, unit test


unit test

simple unit test: 检查parameters,每次写程序必须是从Siemens提供的程序开始。

extended unit test:

cygwin: shell on windows

grep: 搜索命令

cvs: version control

2. Overview of IDEA sequence programming

VB17 architecture (different from VE)


MrProt: data structure 包含了所有的序列信息

SBB(sequence building block): do a specific bit of the pulse sequence (init, prep, run, check function)

RTEB(real-time event block) : the actual waveform information

MRIR (MR-image reconstruction computer)

SeqExpo: 告知MRIR一些序列信息,从而执行特定的reconstruction


  • compilation:

    compilation of the sequence produce .dll rather than executable

    scanner has a main() that loads the requested .dll at runtime

    compilation also makes ancillary files (.lib .exp) with import info for linking

  • different dll

    on desktop, “debug” version (e.g., MySequenced.dll)

    on scanner, “release” version (e.g., MySequence.dll)

    on scanner, there are two .dll, for host (.dll), for MPCU (.i86)


two make files (e.g., Mysequence.mk, makefile.trs)

how to link? LDLIBS += LibToLink.lib, LDDLLS += LibToLink.dll

c++ classes:


  • Hardware proxy classes: 表示physical amplifier, gradient等
  • real-time event classes: 表示pulse sequence component (e.g., RF pulses)
  • control classes: 控制程序执行细节 (e.g., looping)
  • data classes: 包含proctocol info etc.


从base class不断具体化


Important data classes


proctocol limit (e.g., 50<FOV<500 mm)

set in fSEQInit, read-only in fSEQPrep


current sequence proctocol (e.g., FOV=240 mm)

set in fSEQPrep


secondary parameters indirectly set by proctocol (e.g., RF energy)

filled in fSEQPrep **, passed to **MRIR

Mdh (measurement data header)

info on current data frame (e.g., current PE line is 32) filled in fSEQRun, passed to MRIR

IDEA at 10000 feet (in a broad view), implement fSEQ functions

fSEQInit: Run once when sequence is selected

  • Define “hard limits”, fill in SeqLim (absolute max/mins for TR, FOV, etc.)
  • Set up default protocol (must be a valid protocol!)

fSEQPrep: Run on host each time protocol modified, once on MPCU

  • Use protocol contained in MrProt to calculate specific sequence (timings, etc)
  • Binary search mode: Define “soft limits” (max/mins for parameters given current protocol… e.g., max TE given TR)
  • Make sure current protocol is possible (protocol must be “consistent”)

fSEQCheck: Run once on MCPU between fSEQPrep and fSEQRun

  • Gradient safety watchdog, check “corners” of sequence for stimulation levels

fSEQRun: Run once on MCPU (this is the real action!)

  • Implement/oversee real-time sequence events (RTEB, etc)
  • Label k-space data with Mdh class (passed to recon computer)

fSEQRunKernel: Optional function called within fSEQRun TR loop

  • Implements actual real-time events for current TR

Use compiler directive to limit any code section on host/ MPCU

      // code to be only be executed on MPCU
      // code to be only be executed on host

IDEA at 5000 feet: Real-time Events

Real-time events 在 real-time event block中执行

Real-Time Events (libRT)

Classes that implement precisely-timed instructions for hardware proxies (e.g., Gradient waveforms (sGRAD_PULSE), RF pulses (sRF_PULSE), ADC readouts (sREADOUT), etc.)

Life cycle of a real-time event

Configure: Set properties based on protocol (e.g., gradient amplitude) Prep: Calculate specific details of event (e.g., RF waveform) Run: Place on execution queue (within real-time event block)

Preparation of real-time events

Prepare pulse with initialized properties

(e.g., gradient pulses: .prepSymmetricTOTShortestTime(), .prepAmplitude(), .prepMomentumTOT())

Detecting prep failure used to detect “soft limits” when fSEQPrep is run in binary search mode (i.e., limits given current parameters)

Gradients need to be validated against hardware specs with .check()

// Declare pulse in global section:
static sRF_PULSE_SINC sSRF ("sSRF");

// Set from protocol and prepare in fSEQPrep:
// configure parameters of RF pulse
sSRF.setDuration         (1280) ;
sSRF.setFlipAngle        (pMrProt->flipAngle());
// prep RF pulse
if(! sSRF.prepSinc(pMrProt,pSeqExpo)) return (sSRF.getNLSStatus());

// Insert into event block in fSEQRunKernel: // execute RF pulse in real-time event block
fRTEI( lTRF, 0, &sSRF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Alternatively, call run() method in fSEQRunKernel:
// execute RF pulse with “run” statement

IDEA at 5000 feet: Real-time Event Blocks

Real-time events 在 real-time event block中执行,分三步

  1. fRTEBInit 打开event block
  2. fRTEI 在指定时间开始所有的events
  3. fRTEBFinish 关闭event block


IDEA at 5000 feet: SBBs and SeqLoop

Sequence Building Blocks (libSBB)

  • 包含了real-time event block
  • SBB可以和low-level real-time event结合

(e.g., SBBCSat (sat pulses), SBBDiffusion (diffusion gradients), SBBEPIReadOut (EPI))

SeqLoop class

  • SeqLoop控制standard looping structure的时间(sequential, interleaved, 3D)
  • fSEQRun 将控制交给SeqLoop, SeqLoop 会调用fSEQRunKernel

SBB plug-in: 可以自己实现SBB插入到这里,比如spin echo,diffusion

using ParameterMap library? user interface?

#include      "ParameterMap.h"

//In fSEQInit():
PARAM("Read Spoiler", "cyc/px", &dReadSpoilCycles, 0.0, 8.0, 0.1, 2.0,
      "UI for readout spoiler gradient");

//In fSEQPrep():

3. Detailed overview of MiniFLASH example code

mc/ms :进行编译,有选项是release / debug

poet: 进入simulation环境

//must include these two headers
#include "MrServers/MrMeasSrv/SeqIF/sde_allincludes.h"
#include "MrServers/MrImaging/seq/SystemProperties.h"
// NLS_SEV is the dictionary of error code
#define OnErrorReturn(S) if (((S) & NLS_SEV) != NLS_SUCCESS) return(S)
// declare the prototype of fSEQRunKernel, contain the information on single line in k-space
static NLS_STATUS fSEQRunKernel(MrProt*, SeqLin*, SeqExpo*, long, long);
//fSEQInit: initialize the allowed Sequence Limits 0:42:30
//fSEQPrep: prepare real time elements and calculate energy and timing 0:54:20
//          configure RF puse -> set ADC -> set gradient 
//fSEQCheck: check lines at the border of k-space (gradient overflow)
//fSEQRun run the sequence 1:51:30
//fSEQRunKernel 1:56:40
static NLS_STATUS fSEQRunKernel()

所有的时间必须是10ms的倍数,因为机器的clock rate是10ms。